How To Raise Happy Kids


Good-intentioned parents usually create happiness for their children by making pleasurable experiences. Jowever, what children really need is to learn how to create and sustain happiness on their own. Harvard Medical School in Boston has outlined 5 things kids need most to build life long happiness and elf esteem:

1. Connections–  Feeling ground gives children a sense of security. Kids need unconditional love from their parents and will benefit from having close ties to extended family members, being apart of school activities, and helping with household tasks. Let them help take care of pets!

2. Play– Make sure your kid’s free time isn’t all programmed and regimented. Open ended play, where kids create scenerios (play pretend) and solve problems by themselves help them discover talents and skills as well as use their own resources.

3. Practice– When children find out what they are good at, the want to do it again and again. Sometimes though you might have to do some gentle nudging in the right direction to ensure sticks to an activity and finishes to feel a sense of accomplishment.

4. Mastery–  With practice comes mastery. When kids learn a skill whtether it’s learning to tie shoes, dress themselves or play the piano, they are even more motivated to take on new challenges.  That will lead to a can-do attitude.

5. Recognition– Support and approval from parents, teachers, and peers from a job well done will reconnect kids to a wider world. When childen think what they do affects their family, classmates, or team, they are more likely to exhibit moral behavior and ultamately feel good about themselves.

Luckily one step leads to the next and the cycle is self perpetuated. As a parent, you can lay the ground work at an early age. Give your kids these 5 qualities and it will increase their chances of leading a happier, more satisfying life.

Dr. Oz’s 100 Ways To Lose Weight


I have to say, I’ve always been a fan of T’he Dr. Oz Show’. He gives great health advice and ways to become healthier. He also got brownie points for being brave enough to go against Monstano on his show and say Gmo’s are dangerous and unhealthy. I actually followed his tips after I had my 2nd daughter and I saw great results! Check out Dr. Oz’s 100 Ways To Lose Weight Here: Click

Carter’s 5 Piece Diaper Bag Set: Mommy Must Haves

FireShot Capture - _ Carter's 5 in One Tot_ -

After I had my 1 month old, I found it increasingly harder to tote around everything I needed for my 1 year old and my newest little one. My regular diaper bag was large, but packing 2 babies things got so disorganized and chaotic. I would mash everything in there as tight as I could get it. At the end of the day, Everything would be everywhere at the bottom of the bag: bottles spilled out, diapers all crunched up, toys in smushed around against things. It was a nightmare! Luckily a mom friend showed me this set of diaper bags. I had to get it.

I realized that I had bought a savior bag! With all the pockets I was able to keep everything I needed for my daughter organized. No leaking bottles, no crunched up diapers, no smushed toys. There was so much room to put every thing! When I needed to be out longer than a couple hours around town, I would use the littlest bag to bring alll the bottles and burp cloths and the larger one for spare clothes in case of accidents, toys, snacks and more. I would recommend this set to any mother who finds her diaper bag as another world in its own- a messy one at that! It will de-stress your day by just enough!

Click Here To Purchase

Making the Decision: Stay at Home Mom Vs. Working Mom


There’s always been the huge controversy of which was better: The Working Mom or The Stay At Home Mom. some argue staying at home with your children teaches them more skills and helps them develop on a more fast paced road. Others say being a working mom is better because of the financial stability you are able to achieve and give to your kids. Well, in the end it’s simple to choose: Which path personally allows you to follow your hopes and dreams?

Let’s also break down the facts. Members of the Board of Directors for the Family and Home Network say that research has shown that early relationships between moms and infants/toddlers is the foundation of personality development. Yet, many psychologists have seen no statistics to support that statement. Children who are in quality day care can recieve the same personality development as those who are taken care of by Stay at home moms. Although this is true, Psychologically children do NOT do well with large seperations of time from a parent. It causes anxiety and emotional issues.

As a working mother it is extremely at the forefront of your mind to take care of your children financially. You want to provide and give your children what they need to prosper. This is a healthy idea, but going too far can be harmful. Nobody wants to work 12 hours a day and miss out on their family life. Understand that some women work this much to be ready for unseen circumstances such as divorce, job loss or an emergency. In defense of women who work, most working moms want to be a parent and have a successful career and can often become depressed when stuck on “parenting capacity”.

Even so, every mother is different and never settle with the mom stereotypes between the working mom and the parenting mom. You can nurture and still work. You can also nuture and stay home. Whichever makes you happy and is best for your family, you go for it. I’m not judging. After all, I went for a business woman to a stay at home literally over night. I’ve seen the pros and cons of both and honestly, it’s up to the individual mom. So choose on mommy freedom fighters.